
Rayburn Hot Plate High Quality Rope Seal Genuine Aga Product R5627

Product no.: R5627 G

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.High Quality Special Knitted Seal Rope cut lenght 2 mtrs x 13mm Dia

Rayburn High Quality Knitted Hotplate Rope Seal  No 4 :    R5627  JTHR997624  

Now in 2 metre lengths x 13mm - you cut to suit your model !!  This is a Genuine Aga Product

Hotplate Seal Rope for Rayburn 300,400,600,Supreme,Ranger & Nouvelle and various other models and rope seals for Aga Cookers

Be sealed and  safe!!



Using this semi-rigid rope seal means your hotplate stands proud of the hob to protect the enamel as recommended by the manufacturers

Under hob sealing rope specially made for the Rayburn 300, 400,Supreme, Ranger and Nouvelle series cookers Suitable for all fuels.

To fit simply remove the hob (Careful it is heavy, we supply the lifting tools R1764 if required) remove the old rope cut new one to lenght and lay into the groove.

You may have to pull the rope through your fingers as sometimes it contracts in transit  

Fits the Rayburn Nouvelle series 300, 308K, 360 PJ, 360 Gas Balanced Flue, 365 Gas Nouvelle, 380 G/L, GD80 Gas, Supreme,Nouvelle and 355SF Solid Fuel cookers and ALL 400 series.

very high temp ceramic rope colour white.

Thermoseal Rope for Hotplate - Cut Length 2 metre length - ends with heat resistant tape to prevent fraying

Also for Aga Cookers


Please Note This rope seal will Fit the 2 oven Rayburn No 2, 3,Royal, OF22, G33, 200 Series , but you will need to cut  and re-tape the ends


We only sell genuine manufacturers products


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